Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


They say a journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. Then my pet project as a food blogger uncovered my passion for words and proved the power of “learning by doing”.

After 6 years of blogging, it was time to branch out and start one under my own name and document my own lessons along the way.

As the world continues to evolve, there are so many interesting theories that could be applied to everyday things. Furthermore, you can beg, borrow and steal concepts from one industry and apply it to another. My own journey of switching industries is proof of that! As long as you’re solving a real-world problem, ideas and theories are nice, but it’s all about the execution. As they say, the devil is in the detail.

Which uncovered the world of Product Management to me. It’s the equivalent of running a business but doing it for someone else. And it’s a tough gig – you have all the responsibility but none of the authority: a challenge every business owner faces. There is no set way of getting into the career path, but the demand for such a skillset is always increasing.

Whether you are already an established Product Manager or someone looking to get into such a position, welcome to the journey!

I hope that you’ll use my musings and find my experiments helpful to your own path.

To your success – Nigel


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